
Friday, July 28, 2023

Pack Your Bags, Maggie Diaz by Nina Moreno and Courtney Lovett - ADVISABLE

Pack Your Bags, Maggie Diaz
by Nina Moreno, illustrated by Courtney Lovett
272 pages. Scholastic Press (Scholastic). 2023 $19. 

Content: G 



Spring is in the air. Everything is going great for Maggie - her friends are a team once again, her grades are great, the 7th grade has planned a spring break trip to St. Augustine and Maggie is starting track. But it's Valentine's day and love is in the air. Crushes and Prom are on everyone's mind but Maggie's - well, maybe Maggie likes someone. Then Zoe fails a math test and can't come on the trip, Abuela signs up to be a chaperone and Maggie has to room with Vanessa, a new girl (who she thinks might be Julian's crush!). 

I really like Maggie Diaz - her home life is still a bit crazy. Her Abuela has moved out of her room and into the tiny house on their property, but she's still super involved, and I love it. I love that Moreno doesn't translate the Spanish (Abuela rarely speaks English) but easily incorporates context so there's no missed dialogue. Perfect middle school drama - with academic expectations mixed with who likes who. It reads a bit young for my 8th graders, but I'm still buying a copy for my library. Maggie and her family are Cuban. Maggie's sister is LGBTQ she is going to Prom with another girl, Maggie's friends are of various racies and orientations as well. 

Lisa Librarian

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