
Thursday, July 27, 2023

Glitter Everywhere by Chris Burton and Chaaya Prabhat - ADVISABLE

Glitter Everywhere: Where it Came From, Where it's Found & Where it's Going
by Chris Burton, illustrated by Chaaya Prabhat
. NON-FICTION Charlesbridge/Imagine. 2023. $20. 9781623542528 



Glitter lovers, this book is for you! Well-organized and engaging, Barton takes the reader through what makes it sparkle, and why humans might like sparkly things. We learn about iridescent beetles and ancient Egyptians, where Mica comes from, and how it was used in art and even fabrics. Barton covers the history of glitter in the US, and the factories that produced it. We learn the improvements to glitter today and even discover that there is edible glitter. There are tips for getting it out of your hair and concerns about microplastic and its effect on aquatic animals and other environmental problems. 

Full of informative text, this non-fiction dive into the world of glitter is better recommended for upper elementary. I loved the illustrations - I sort of expected the book to be very glittery, and it wasn't, and that was totally ok. I'll enjoy recommending this to my middle school readers as well as the upper elementary crowd. Everyone loves glitter! Right? 

Lisa Librarian

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