
Friday, June 2, 2023

Kismat Connection by Ananya Devarajan - OPTIONAL

Kismat Connection by Ananya Devarajan, 304 pages. Inkyard Press, 2023. $19.

Language: R (29 swears, 6 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: G



The stars hold our destinies—a fact that Arjun (17yo) finds comforting and Madhuri (17yo) finds confining. In order to prove that the stars are wrong and that Madhuri can, in fact, control her life, she asks Arjun to help her with The Kismat Experiment: they will agree to a beginning and ending date for a romantic relationship together. When their relationship ends, Madhuri will have broken the stars’ prediction—but if their relationship doesn’t end as planned, then Arjun will prove the stars right.

Devarajan showcases the beauty of Indian culture in the midst of the confusion and willful misunderstandings of being a young Indian-American. Our circumstances and the ways that others treat us are as malleable to us as are the stars, and, as with the predictions of the stars, we can shape our lives by deciding how we react. As Devarajan’s characters illustrate, it’s not always easy, but knowing that we have the power in our lives will make all the difference.

Arjun, Madhuri, and their families are Indian/Indian-American. The mature content rating is for underage drinking.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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