
Saturday, May 13, 2023

Witness Trees by Ryan G. Van Cleave, and Dom Dom - MANY

Witness Trees: Historic Moments and the Trees Who Watched Them Happen 
by Ryan G. Van Cleave, illustrated by Dom Dom. PICTURE BOOK NON-FICTION Bushel & Peck Books. 2023. $20. 9781638191254 



In the sweep of wind over grass, near the pulse of rivers stand trees, monuments that have witnessed and continue to witness important events in history. A 1,000 year-old tree in Sherwood forest is now called the Parliament Oak after King John of England Held an emergency session of Parliament during the uprising of 1212 beneath the massive tree. Trees bear witness to the what, where, how, and who of the past. Many other trees are mentioned and the wars and events that they witnessed, including the Hundred Horse Chestnut tree around 4,000 years old. The tree that survived 911 is also included. Some of histories tree witnesses have been cut down, and these important trees need humanities protection. 

The Witness Trees is a beautiful book using verse and rhyme to express the ways very old and young trees have witnessed wars and other very important events in our world’s history. There is also a small text fact on each page informing us about each important tree. The reader is left with a feeling of awe and calm that trees continue to watch over us and continue to do so much longer than our small lifetimes. The illustrations are well done and also contribute to a feeling of peacefulness. Young and old readers will enjoy the story and facts. 


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