
Saturday, May 6, 2023

Lose You to Find Me by Erik J. Brown - OPTIONAL

Lose You to Find Me by Erik J. Brown, 359 pages. Balzer + Bray (HarperCollins Publishers), 2023. $20

Language: R (100+  swears, 26 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG-13 (frequent underage drinking, teenage smoking, heavy kissing, brief nudity, and off-page sexual encounters); Violence: PG-13 (one graphic instance of double finger amputation)



Tommy Dees’ life is a bit of a mess. He works as a server in an upscale retirement community in suburban Pennsylvania to get experience for his elite culinary school application. Tommy agrees to train the new hire to impress his stingy boss in exchange for a letter of recommendation. Coincidentally, the new hire is his old childhood crush, Gabe. Can Tommy juggle future plans, current crushes, and real life in the meantime, or is it all a recipe for disaster?

At first glance, this book is totally up my alley. However, I was less enamored as I read through it. I was frustrated at how evasive Gabe was and didn't love how invested Tommy was in his crush. But towards the end, I came around to liking it again. I liked how the author played around with rom-com tropes. Brown realistically shows how life doesn't always end up the exact way you planned, and that it is still ok. I think that is a positive message for students as they stress about their own post-high school plans. I also applaud the realistic portrayals of the coming out process for LGBTQIA people.

Kiera, #bookswithbeddes

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