
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Always Isn’t Forever by J. C. Cervantes - OPTIONAL

Always Isn’t Forever
by J. C. Cervantes
, 384 pages. Razorbill (Penguin Random House), 2023. $20.

Language: R (172 swears, 6 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG



Hart and Ruby have always been together and always will be—and then Hart dies the summer before senior year. Neither of them are ready to let go, and Hart’s spirit is given the chance to go back—but not in the body he had. Through all the obstacles of life and death, can they still choose to always be together?

A tragic undercurrent pulled through every part of the story. While the angel/demon trope was originally off putting because of how it contrasted with that undercurrent, the story worked out well in the end. Sacrifices were made, lessons of love were learned, and some things do last forever.

Hart is Latino, Ruby is implied Latina, Jameson is white, and most of the other characters are implied Latinx or white. The mature content rating is for underage drinking, innuendo, and mentions of sex. The violence rating is for assault and death.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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