
Friday, February 3, 2023

American Murderer: The Parasite that Haunted the South by Gail Jarrow - ADVISABLE

American Murderer: The Parasite that Haunted the South by Gail Jarrow, 159 pages. NON-FICTION Calkins Creek (Astra/Boyds Mill). 2022. $25 



In the 1800s and early 1900s in the American south, workers like farmers and miners were sick and weak - some too sick to care for their families. School children were also sickly, and had trouble learning. They were bleeding to death internally, unable to fight the parasite feeding on them. Microscopic hookworms live in warm damp soil where sanitation is a problem, and enter humans through their bare feet. Charles Stiles, a zoologist studied the hookworms and worked with health organizations to change sanitation expectations - and get people to wear shoes. 

Gail Jarrow's Medical Fiascoes Series is amazing, and American Murderer was so gross - I loved it - I can't watch kids running around on grass in their bare feet without cringing. Full of photographs, not only of hookworms but of people infected by them, and those trying to help. An eye opening book, so glad we learned these lessons. Includes a glossary, source notes and an extensive bibliography. 

Lisa Librarian

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