
Friday, January 27, 2023

Miss Newbury’s List by Megan Walker - ADVISABLE

Miss Newbury’s List by Megan Walker, 320 pages. Shadow Mountain Publishing, 2023. $16.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



Being engaged to a duke, Rosalind (20yo) should be thrilled. Instead, Rosalind feels like something is missing. She is sure that completing her list of ten things to do before she gets married will fill her emptiness, so Rosalind recruits her best friend, Liza, and Liza’s cousin, Charlie, to help her. Their adventures do help, but it may have more about who she’s with than the list.

Rosalind’s love story is totally adorable – it’s the equivalent of writing a bucket list and having your friends help you complete everything on the list. This exercise requires vulnerability on Rosalind’s side and commitment from all parties involved. The lines of right and wrong blur but are not crossed. Part of the charm of Rosalind’s love story is that they retain their integrity despite their inner turmoil.

All the characters are English. The mature content rating is for alcohol use, blackmail, and partial nudity. The violence rating is for boxing and knife use.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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