
Saturday, December 17, 2022

Moon Flower by Kacen Callender - ESSENTIAL

Moonflower by Kacen Callender272 pages. Scholastic Press (Scholastic). 2022. $18 

Content: G 



12yo Moon is non-binary and suffers from depression. They are struggling and their mom, who is a hospice nurse doesn't know what to do. Moon feels out of place in the world of the living but travels at night to a realm where Blue, the Keeper, the Magician, and a being called Wolf reside. But when this spirit world is threatened, Moon tries to save it, and along the way, may get the chance to maybe save themself. 

Moonflower is a remarkable story. Callender's depiction of a child's experience with depression was heartbreaking and enlightening. I was moved by his struggle, and angry at the circumstances. The Spirit world was beautiful and terrible. I would love to see this taught, so many quotable passages. A marvelous empathy builder, and a necessary novel many of my students will see themselves in. Moon is black.

Lisa Librarian

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