
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Honest June: The Show Must Go On by Tina Wells - ADVISABLE

The Show Must Go On
(Honest June #2) by Tina Wells
, 260 pages. Random House. 2022. $14. 

Content: G. 



11yo June is still under the spell of her Fairy Godmother Victoria and has to tell the truth. She's starting to wonder if she likes her best friend Lee, but before she can pursue her feelings, Lee asks June if her best friend Nia might want to hang out with them. June just can't get them together, so instead of talking to them, June writes her true feeling in her private blog. It's an efficient workaround for the whole truth problem. At least she's being honest with herself. She auditions for the school play The Wiz, and is cast as Dorothy, Her dad doesn't think acting is a real career so she doesn't tell him. Victoria has warned her that if she isn't honest with her dad, opening night will not be the success she anticipates. June's lies are starting to catch up to her, and she can't use other lies to divert.

 June is in a production! Personally I'm so surprised she was cast in a leading role after only a singing audition, but her inexperience quickly became an important plot point. Honest June is turning into a fun series, I'm excited to read book three - they end with nice cliffhangers, so be sure to read them in order. June, her friends and family are black.

Lisa Librarian

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