
Thursday, November 3, 2022

Rivals (American Royals #3) by Katharine McGee - ADVISABLE

Rivals (American Royals #3) by Katharine McGee
, 392 pages. Random House, 2022. $16

Language: G (2 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG-13 (alcohol use, fake pregnancy, toxic relationships); Violence: G



In the third installation of American Royals, Beatrice is found newly queen of the United States and in a marriage with Teddy, and while she loves him deeply, Teddy and she find it challenging to balance both time for each other and the many list of duties Beatrice has to fulfill. On the flip side, Samantha, Beatrice's sister, can only be found next to her boyfriend, Marshall. As Samantha and Marshall spend more and more time together, will their love be enough to survive the scrutiny of the public and Marshall's demanding family? And finally, we find Nina and Daphne, always at odds with each other, fighting for Prince Jeff's love...but could there be a third woman vying for attention? Yes, the mysterious, manipulative (more manipulative than Daphne? Yep!) and powerful -- Gabriella. As Gabriella becomes an obvious threat for both Nina and Daphne, they must team up against a common enemy.

Rivals was not at all what I expected. I've been a big fan of the American Royals series, the first one was amazing, but I feel like as the series has progressed, the story line and plot has become more convoluted and bland. The characters I once knew and love, are just going through boring uneventful challenges that ultimately I don't care about. Don't get me wrong, anyone that started the series should continue reading the rest of the books, and I will get my hands on the 4th book when it comes out, but it all feels like a money grab to appease fans like me, and I am not appeased.

Kenzie Hoehne 

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