
Monday, November 21, 2022

Five Survive by Holly Jackson - HIGH

Five Survive by Holly Jackson, 400 pages. Delacorte Press (Random House), 2022. $20.

Language: R (41 swears, 110 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13



Using an RV to drive to Gulf Shores where the rest of their friends and classmates flew to for spring break sounded like fun. But then Red (17yo) and her friends got lost. And then the RV not-so-accidently broke down. Now the six of them need to find out who is hiding a secret the other five are not willing to die for.

Tensions are high from the start, and Jackson doesn’t let up. These desperate characters are up all night, and readers get caught up in the fear and frustration. New chapters bring more complications, not the relief everyone is hoping for – and it was thrilling to read, except for those times when I wanted to reach in and punch that one guy in the face. While the ending is somewhat open-ended, I was satiated by the denouement.

Red, Maddy, and Oliver are white; Simon is at least half Korean; Reyna is Mexican; and Arthur is undefined. The mature content rating is for mentions of drugs, underage drinking, illegal activity, innuendo, and partial nudity. The violence rating is for blood and gore, gun use, and murder. 

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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