
Thursday, October 13, 2022

Three Strike Summer by Skyler Schrempp - ADVISABLE

Three Strike Summer
by Skyler Schrempp
. 320 pages. McElderry Books Simon and Schuster, 2022. $18.

Language: PG (7 swears, 0 'f');  Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG.



12yo Gloria and her family are having a tough time. It's the 1930s and they live in Oklahoma. Their farm failed again and they are mourning the death of their baby brother. When the bank forecloses on the farm, they load everything they own into their truck and head to California. Gloria is a really good pitcher, and when the family gets work at a peach orchard, Gloria hopes to join the boys in their game. 

An engaging story - times were hard, not just because the farm failed, but the families looking for work were mistreated and cheated out of money and resources due to them. Some fun baseball action and a bit of danger in the orchard. Historical fiction can be a hard sell, but sports lovers will like this too. Will probably purchase.

Lisa Librarian

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