
Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Lake by Natasha Preston - ADVISABLE

The Lake by Natasha Preston
, 356 pages. Delacorte Press 2021. $11

Language: P-13 (38 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG-13 (some blood and gore, animal killings)



It’s been nine years since Esme (17yo) attended Camp Pine Lake with her friend, Kayla. Now they have returned as counselors-in-training. Esme is excited, but nervous because no one, except for Kayla, knows what happened that summer and Esme intends to keep it that way. Fortunately, she finds herself so busy with camp preparations, meeting the other counselors-in-training, and finally welcoming the campers that she doesn’t have much time to dwell on what happened in the past until the pranks start happening. At first, everyone thinks they are harmless, but as the pranks escalate, so do the threats. As Esme thinks about what happened all those years ago, she wonders if someone might be coming back for revenge. 

I was expecting a more intense story, but found it pretty mild. That being said, I did find myself engaged and wanted to see how it resolved; although it slowed a bit in the middle and I got impatient with the main character. At the end, however, the author upped the blood and gore and the creepy ending took me by surprise. 

 Reviewer: RB

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