
Monday, September 12, 2022

Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion - ADULTS

Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion
, 256 pages. Simon and Schuster, 2011. $16

Language: R (50+ swears, 30+ ‘f’); Mature Content: R (Contemplates sex, repeated drinking, underage sex, mentions the girl when quite young sleeping with an older man for money); Violence: R (Multiple zombie and human mutilations, "killing schools" for both zombies and humans, detailed descriptions of gore)



R is not your average zombie. He may be a white male, although his skin is more gray than anything at this point in his decomposition, however, he seems to be having somewhat of a crisis. This crisis's name is Julie. After eating the brains of Julie's ex-boyfriend and experiencing his memories, R finds himself falling in love with this vibrant, eccentric girl who simply radiates life (something R seems to be lacking). In this post-apocalyptic world, R, the philosophical zombie with eloquent, poetic thoughts and a craving for life, will have to fight for the type of existence he wants and will face changes both mentally and physically along the way.

This is the most beautiful book I have ever read. Between the language, characters, world building, and both world and character development I have found myself reading and re-reading this novel many times over. It is a remarkably enjoyable post-apocalyptical retelling of Romeo and Juliet, although one must be aware of the mature themes, violence, and strong language very prevalent throughout this book. Regarding the mature themes, there are conversations about sex, multiple scenes with drinking, and one character that contemplates suicidal thoughts. Strong language is found all throughout the book including a great many f-words, and there are many gory descriptions of the zombie's physical descriptions as well as activities.

Sierra Finlinson 

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