
Friday, September 16, 2022

Taaqtumi by Neil Christopher - OPTIONAL

Taaqtumi by Neil Christopher, 184 pages. SHORT STORIES. Inhabit Media, 2019. $17.

Language: R (32 swears, 9 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13



These nine horror stories are set in the Canadian arctic and range in genre from realistic to zombie apocalypse to scifi. Secrets lie in the dark and cold, just waiting to pull you in and keep you forever.

As the title indicates, several of the stories include Inuktitut words, which are defined in the book’s glossary. Seeing the different ways of life highlighted by these stories from a region of the world I’ve never been to was interesting. Some of the stories were fun to read (even though there are no happy endings to be found here), others were disturbing, and most were confusing. Overall, though, the couple of interesting ones weren’t worth slogging through the others.

The mature content rating is for alcohol use, scary elements, and mentions of genitalia and pornography. The violence rating is for gun use, mention of suicide, cannibalism, and blood and gore.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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