Language: R (26 swears, 1 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG-13 (underage drinking and smoking, attempted rape); Violence: PG-13 (death)
In an entitled and predominantly rich, white society, Carrie is the oldest of three sisters. When the youngest sister Rosemary drowns, the three remaining sisters must follow the family motto and not show any grief. The next summer, their cousin Yardley brings her boyfriend and his two best friends to the island. They’re funny and help lighten the mood on the island. Carrie and Pfeff are interested in each other but he keeps being inconsiderate and annoys Carrie. Pfeff also turns out to be self-centered and when the cousins see him kissing Carrie’s sister Penny, things become precarious.
I enjoyed Pfeff’s humor. Humorous parts with Pfeff- changing lyrics of Mary Poppins song: Step In Time:
“Take no prisoners, do some crimes
Know your math facts!
Step in time.”
Every time he sang this, I chuckled.
The writing is exemplary! I felt firsthand what the characters were going through because of the details.
LynnDell Watson; Delta HS Librarian
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