
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Accomplished: a Georgie Darcy novel by Amanda Quain -

Accomplished: a Georgie Darcy novel by Amanda Quain
, 320 pages. Wednesday Books, 2022. $19 

Language: R (100+ swears, 22 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



Georgie Darcy maybe be the richest student at Pemberley Academy, but without her brother Fitz, her life is falling apart. Wickham Foster may have been kicked out of Pemberley after his drug-dealing was exposed last year, but he still has a hold on Georgie’s emotions - especially when he shows up in town. For three years Fitz has been her guardian – since their father died and their mother left them behind, but this time Georgie will need to grow a spine and save herself. But can she – or will she even ruin the new spark between her and Avery, the Pemberley drum major – with her thinking that money can fix everything. 

There were moments when I loved this and moments I wished it were not a take on Pride and Prejudice. While I like that Quain looks at the aftermath of Georgie and Wickham’s damaging relationship, I was also distracted by the other PaP references (Fitz and Lizzie, of course). I get that a PaP reader will immediately understand the background of Georgie’s past, but I think Quain could have accomplished the same dynamic with just a few more pages and not cramming the characters into the PaP framework. Bascially this is a book for adult women who love Pride and Prejudice, but disguised as a YA novel because of the age of the characters.

Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS 

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