
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Hearts of Briarwall by Krista Jensen - ADVISABLE

Hearts of Briarwall by Krista Jensen, 276 pages. Shadow Mountain Publishing, 2022. $16.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: G



Lydia (20yo) and her friends have a book club that isn’t really for talking about books. Instead, they discuss suffrage, service, and love – and how they can actively participate in furthering each of those endeavors. When Spencer comes to stay with his friend Andrew, Lydia’s brother, he decides that he won’t let a beautiful woman distract him from gaining support for his business venture, but Spencer has never met a woman like Lydia.

Set in 20th century England, the context of Lydia's story is an exciting time for new thoughts, including the rise of motorcars and women gaining rights. Lydia wants to be herself and is given a lot of freedom to do so, but old habits are hard for society to break. I love that Lydia’s story is as much about Lydia’s relationship with her brother, Andrew, as it is about Lydia and Spencer. She has to find balance in confidently being herself while being humble enough to change when she’s wrong.

Lydia, Andrew, Spencer, and the other characters are English. The mature content rating is for alcohol use and kissing.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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