
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Daughter by Kate McLaughlin - OPTIONAL

Daughter by Kate McLaughlin, 336 pages. Wednesday Books (St. Martin’s Press), 2022. $19.

Language: R (180 swears, 76 “f”); Mature Content: R; Violence: PG13



Scarlet (17yo) has learned how to get around her mother’s strict rules without caring much about why her mom is so paranoid – until two FBI agents show up at their door. Turns out, Scarlet’s father is a serial killer, so maybe her mom’s paranoia was warranted. As she meets her father and starts to see her mother in a new light, Scarlet also has to confront herself and decide who she wants to be.

The premise is interesting in a grisly way, but McLaughlin also addresses a lot of relationship conflicts. I loved the inner conflict that readers go through with Scarlet as she re-establishes her familial and personal identities, and the sympathy that is encouraged for strangers because you don’t know what they are going through – even if you think you know who they are. Please note that this book is not for everyone. I was enjoying the book and the language and sexual content still became more than I wanted to handle. The mature content rating is for underage drinking; persistent drug use; innuendo; mention of masturbation and orgasm; discussion of condoms and STIs; persistent discussions of sex, rape, and necrophilia; nudity; and sex. The violence rating is for mention of suicide and persistent discussions of murder.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen 

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