
Monday, March 14, 2022

Birdie's Bargain by Katherine Paterson - ESSENTIAL

 Birdie's Bargain by Katherine Paterson, 225 pages. Candlewick Press, 2021. $18 




10yo Birdie is upset that her dad is being deployed to Iraq for the third time. She, her mom, and her baby brother, Billy have to move in with grandma to make ends meet while dad is deployed. Birdie gets the smallest bedroom - under the stairs. Birdie has been to Bible camp and believes in God. She makes a bargain with God that if He will make sure her dad is not killed in Iraq she will honor Him and pray to Him. Birdie tries so hard to do everything "right," to pray right, and to treat everybody, even people she does not really like, with kindness and patience. When her dad is seriously wounded in the war, can Birdie retain her faith in God?

I loved this book. Birdie is a very believable protagonist that struggles with real life issues. She is strong and believable and I admire her strength and understand her struggles. This is a must read book. A lot of children have parents in the military and go through similar things as Birdie. This book would be helpful for them. It would help them understand that they are not alone and that other children struggle with the same issues, fears, and worries. It was refreshing to read a book that honestly and openly talks of God and Christian faith. 

 Ellen-Anita, LMS 

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