
Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Book of Stolen TIme (Feylawn Chronicles #2) by Dashka Slater - ESSENTIAL

The Book of Stolen Time (Feylawn Chronicles #2) by Dashka Slater
, 416 pages. Farrar Straus Giroux (MacMillan), February 2022. $18.

Content: G. 



Because the fairies were successfully sent home, Rufus and Abigail have an impossible task - maintaining Feylawn - per Iris' checklist - with only Nettle to help, and Nettle is more trouble than he's worth. And - someone is trying to buy Grandfather's property, it's a couple of Goblins, and Rufus is certain Mr. Diggs is behind this somehow. Rufus and Abigail are going to need to save Feylawn again! 

Dashka Slater's fairy world is fantastic - The Book of Stolen Time is imaginative, exciting and dangerous. Picking up almost immediately after "The Book of Fatal Errors" the page count (over 400) isn't daunting, as there's very little world building, just full of action and magic. I loved Iris' malapropisms as they are hilarious - and make sense how she is using them. Oh I hope this doesn't end the series - keep going, it's incredible!

Reviewer: Lisa Morey

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