
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Into the Bloodred Woods by Martha Brockenbrough - NO

Into the Bloodred Woods by Martha Brockenbrough
, 354 pages. Scholastic Press, 2021. $16. 

Language: G (1 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG (sexual harassment, ; Violence: PG-13 (Bloody fights, described torture) 



Meet two royal siblings- Ursula and Albrecht. Ursula is a were. She can transform into a bear at will- and she was firstborn. Due to these facts all her life she was trained to be the queen but Albercht wants the crown for himself. Due to Albrecht's intense bias against the were people he fears that once Ursula becomes queen the were people will become more superior. With a kingdom on the brink of a civil war what they need is a strong leader whether that be Albercht or Ursula it is unknown. 

 I actually finished this book rather fast. The writing is fast-paced and easy to read but also sloppy. The descriptions I found were rather empty and passionless. I love fairy tale re-tellings and how they bring a sort of familiarity into the story but this book fell flat in that sense. The plot seemed like the author just tried to shove in as many fairy tales as possible which wasn't enjoyable because it just seemed there was no creative plotline or story idea. 

Kenzie Hoehne, 11th grade, Student Reviewer 

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