
Sunday, July 25, 2021

Sunny Makes a Splash by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm - ESSENTIAL

Sunny Makes a Splash
by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm
, 224 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Scholastic September 2021 $13 (paperback). 

Content: G. 



12yo Sunny made it through her first year of middle school, but now summer is in full swing and all her friends are busy or away. No one will even be in town for her 13th birthday. Luckily, on a visit with her mom's friend to the country club for a swim, Sunny sees Tony, a boy she knows from school, working the snack shack. When the pool is cleared for "adult swim" and the shack gets super busy, Sunny helps out and Tony's dad offers her a summer job! 

I love this series so much! Sunny is adorable, I enjoy the nostalgia of the 70s - the bikes, the candy, the ice cream - even the country club - reminds me of my 12yo summers at the pool. Sunny's mom is priceless (and exactly like my mom) so suspicious and worried that Tony may have nefarious plans, when he's just a really nice boy. Full color illustrations and a great story. Stands on its own, but your library absolutely needs the whole set. 

Lisa Librarian

1 comment:

  1. I was a little surprised that the mother was so mean. Perhaps she was bitter and resentful because she didn't have a job outside the home. Or didn't have enough Tab. Loved this one SO much.
