
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Castle of Refuge by Melanie Dickerson - OPTIONAL

Castle of Refuge (The Dericott Tales #2)
by Melanie Dickerson
, 336 pages. Thomas Nelson, 2021. $19.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



As the daughter of a viscount, Audrey should have options for her future, but, after an unfortunate accident, her future dims. Audrey puts her trust in God as she runs away, knowing that He can provide for a better life, even if that life is as a servant in the castle where she could’ve been the mistress.

Audrey’s story was a slow read for me because she isn’t the one who changes. Audrey is a Mary Sue character, and Edwin is the one who has a character arc, even though more chapters are from Audrey’s point of view. The story was still cute, just slow and a little repetitive. The most annoying part for me was that Edwin’s family being falsely accused of treason was mentioned countless times with no explanation beyond that it’s been resolved. I learned after finishing the book that the treason part of the story is the main conflict of the prequel. Also, Dickerson’s book is advertised as being a retelling of the Ugly Duckling, but I saw few connections to the original story.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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