
Friday, April 16, 2021

Until Vienna by Heather B. Moore - OPTIONAL

Until Vienna by Heather B. Moore, 176 pages. Covenant Communications, 2021. $13.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: G



At 24yo, Gigi is making her way out of the market of eligible young ladies, and that’s okay with her; Gigi is happy with her work at the dressmaker’s and is pleased about her younger sister’s upcoming wedding. When her elderly aunt declares that Gigi will accompany her on an art tour across the continent, Gigi is reluctant but happy to go. Little does she know that her aunt has more in mind than simply looking at beautiful artwork.

I found Gigi’s adventures across Europe and her journey with love enjoyable to read for three-quarters of the book. Then the big conflict came to try the relationship Gigi was building, and it was lame. I felt that Gigi and her love interest acted out of character in order for there to be conflict, and I was disappointed by the forced misunderstanding. Their unsatisfactory challenge made their triumph and eventual happy ending less sweet.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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