
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Leaf Detective by Heather Lang and Jana Christy - ADVISABLE

 The Leaf Detective: How Margaret Lowman Uncovered Secrets in the Rainforest by Heather Lang, illustrated by Jana Christy. PICTURE BOOK BIOGRAPHY. Calkins Creek (Boyds Mill), 2021. $19. 9781684371778 



In 1979, after fighting for an education as a botanist that few people wanted to give her, Margaret knew she wanted to study the rainforests of Australia. Not just by looking through binoculars as other botanists did, but on the branches, in the canopy, above that canopy. She engineered her own tools and found her into her beloved trees. To this day she travels the world, trying to convince those who live among the existing patches of rainforest, to find ways besides logging and farming to make the money they need from the trees. 

Any class of any age that explores nature, the rainforest specifically, and women at work should use this. There are time-lapse videos of rainforest deforestation on youtube – and so many others ways to use this as a cornerstone of other lessons. 

Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS 

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