
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Farmers Unite!: Planting a Protest For Fair Prices by Lindsay H. Metcalf - ADVISABLE

Farmers Unite!: Planting a Protest For Fair Prices
by Lindsay H. Metcalf,
64 pages NON-FICTION Calkins Creek (Boyds Mills), 2020. $19. 9781684379088 



In 1978, American farmers were desperate. It was costing them more to grow their crops than they were getting for their harvest. A lot more. They had appealed to the US government, but the Department of Agriculture seemed to be ignoring the farmers. So, they started with a protest in Plains Georgia (home of the current president Jimmy Carter) and brought thousands of tractors to town, hoping to get their cause noticed. Two weeks later an organized effort did the same to state capitals around the country. By February, the tractor parade came to DC. Clogging the streets and causing enough traffic trouble to, hopefully, force the DofA to listen to their concerns. 

I loved the captioned photographs, and the succinct text on every page. Plenty of additional information including an author's note, statistics, a timeline and source notes. A fascinating look at a peaceful protest - change didn't happen right away, but they did finally get noticed. Showing this to my social studies teachers.

Lisa Librarian

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