
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Legendborn by Tracy Deonn - HIGH

Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
, 512 pages. Simon & Schuster, 2020. $19 

Language: R (66 swears, 7 “f”); Mature Content: PG (adultery, rape mentioned); Violence: PG (fighting demons) 



After her mom dies, Bree needs a complete change of scenery, so she enrolls in the pre-college program at UNC that she knows her mother didn’t want her to join. Her first night an older student from home invites Bree and her best friend Alice to a secret, illegal party near the cliffs. While the girls don’t drink and don’t join in the partying, disaster still strikes in the form of an inhuman monster – that no one but Alice seems to see. Now she’s been assigned an extremely hot mentor, Nick, who seems to be able to see the monsters too. Reluctantly – VERY reluctantly – Nick introduces Bree to the Legendborn – a line of demon hunters from the time of King Arthur. If Bree survives the trial sand is accepted, she would be the first Black member of the society. At the same time, however, she meets the Rootcrafters, a group that her mother used to belong to. They also have magic, but are against everything the Legendborn do. 

There is so much more to explain in Deonn’s tour de force. Her writing is way better than my summary. The twists you are encounter are so excellent unexpected, but really not, if you had been paying attention. I am thrilled that there is another book in the series coming. 

Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS 

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