
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Freiheit!: The White Rose by Andrea Grosso Ciponte - OPTIONAL

Freiheit!: The White Rose by Andrea Grosso Ciponte
, 96 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL. Plough Publishing House, 2021. $24.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG



Even Germans need to be careful as Hitler reigns. Sophie feels little freedom in being coerced to live the way Hitler demands, though she knows she has to be careful because her family is being watched. But, when Sophie discovers her brother in a group opposing Hitler, she knows the right thing to do is help them.

These brave activists are more than characters in a book: they are real people, people who opposed Hitler and found ways to stand up for what is right. I liked this book because, while our struggles today can seem different, the world still struggles with oppression and Sophie and the rest of the White Rose group show readers that good can win in the end, even when the enemy seems unconquerable. However, the telling of their story felt confusing and choppy. For me, this book is best read in conjunction with supplemental information.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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