
Sunday, November 22, 2020

Umbertouched by Livia Blackburne - ADVISABLE


Umbertouched (Rosemarked, #2) by Livia Blackburne, 375 pages. Hyperion, 2018. $18.  

Content: Language: PG (4 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG-13. 



Zivah and Dineas completed their mission to spy on the enemy, but as they return to their own people, they find that their people don’t trust them.  Zivah knows that she can get the proof she needs to stop the Amparan army and Dineas knows he needs to protect the people who are about to be attacked.  As they both try to do the right thing, they hope that they can protect each other and everything they hold dear.  

It had been awhile since I read Rosemarked, but Blackburne does a great job bridging the two books and I quickly remembered the story and people and was able to enjoy the second book. You will want to read Rosemarked first, or you won’t understand this book. I liked the balance between a well-crafted story and the development of the characters.  As their actions built up to the climax, I couldn’t wait to find out what would happen. Super satisfying read!  Content includes war violence. 

Reviewer, C. Peterson 

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