
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Tiny Mansion by Keir Graff - ADVISABLE


The Tiny Mansion by Keir Graff, 275 pages. Putnam (Penguin), 2020. $18

Content: G 



When her dad and stepmom no longer can pay rent, Dagmar and her family end up and living in a tiny house in the redwood forest. Dagmar is upset at leaving her friends in Oakland - having no cell phone service and other conveniences she had in the city. She does whatever she can to sabotage her dad and stepmom in the hopes of their moving back to the city. She meets Blake and his to big dogs while exploring the forest and sneaking into a fenced property. Blake's dad is a hard to deal with billionaire who is always fighting with his siblings. A fast moving wildfire breaks out and if they are all going to survive they are going to have to fire out how to work together. 

The Tiny Mansion was a fun, fast read. Dagmar is a very likable character and it was easy to follow her ups and downs. Dagmar is not afraid of challenges, Keep out Signs and booby traps. She loves adventure and when push comes to show she becomes a start shining brightly. I highly recommend this book, a fast and fun read. 

Ellen-Anita, LMS 

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