
Saturday, November 14, 2020

Superman Smashes the Klan by Gene Luen Yang, art by Gurihiru - ESSENTIAL

Superman Smashes the Klan
by Gene Luen Yang, art by Gurihiru
, 239 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL DC Comics, 2020. $17 

Language: PG (3 swears 0 'f') some racist phrases Mature Content: G; Violence: PG 



When the Lee family moves into Metropolis from China Town, Tommy gets involved with the local baseball team. Their current pitcher, Chuck, feels his position is threatened, and he over reacts, calls Tommy a racist term and is taken off the team. When his Uncle, Grand Scorpion of the Klan of the Fiery Kross, hears what happened to Chuck, he gets the Klan involved - and they burn a cross on the lawn of the Lee family. Tommy's friend Jimmy works for the Daily Planet and that's how Superman comes to the rescue. Superman is struggling with some personal issues - he keeps seeing "aliens" who talk to him about how he isn't using all his powers, He's still learning about his strengths. 

Based on the radio series from the 1940s, Gene Luen Yang has presented an honest depiction of racism from 3 different perspectives - Chuck, who is caught between respecting his Uncle and protecting his friends, Tommy and Roberta Lee - the new kids in town who just want to fit in, and Superman - whose origin story shows why he is reluctant to embrace his full potential.  The extensive author's note puts the story in perspective, making personal connections and giving a brief history of Superman and America's history of racism.  This will be an exciting read for the graphic novel/Superman fans, but's it's also an important voice against prejudice.

Lisa Librarian

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