
Friday, November 6, 2020

Rebel by Marie Lu - ADVISABLE


Rebel (Legend, #4) by Marie Lu, 378 pages. Roaring Brook Press (Macmillan), 2019. $19.  

Content: Language: PG-13 (45 swears); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG-13.  



Day and his brother, Eden, live in Ross City where Day works for the government spying on criminals and Eden goes to school and excels at electronics.  Although Day and Eden have survived hard times together, they are missing the brotherly bond.  Eden uses his tech skills to participate in a drone race to help a friend but catches the eye of a criminal, Hann, that Day has been watching.  Day and Eden find themselves caught in a game against Hann who wants to reorder the power structure of Ross City, and they will have to learn to work together.  

The Legend trilogy would be complete without this book, but if you wanted more to the story at the end of Champion, this book gives that to you.  It’s ten years later, so Day is 27 years old and his relationship with June is a sub-plot throughout the story.  You can read the first three books and not read this, but you can’t read this book without the backstory the first three books provide.  Marie Lu creates a good mix of romance, adventure and more storyline for favorite characters from Legend.  The content is kissing, beatings, and non-descript deaths.  

Reviewer, C. Peterson

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