
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

City on Strike by Harriet Zaidman - OPTIONAL


City on Strike by Harriet Zaidman, 200 pages.  Red Deer Press, 2019. $15.

Content: Language: G; Violence: PG; Mature Content: G.  



13yo Jack lives in poverty with his family in Winnipeg.  It’s 1919, and the events of the world are affecting Jack’s life as he witnesses the Winnipeg General Strike firsthand.  Jack tries to help keep his family fed by delivering newspapers, even if the newspapers are villainizing the strikers, and that causes a moral dilemma for Jack.  Jack is able to see the tension rise to a climax and the government’s response to the strikers, which affects his family.  

I cared for Jack throughout the telling of this event.  The historical elements are well done, and I liked imaging the strike from the eyes of a teen who was directly affected.  This book really was an advisable read until the end, which is abrupt and left me unsatisfied.  The author includes extensive extra historical information at the end as if she couldn’t find a way to work it into the storyline. 

Reviewer, C. Peterson

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