
Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Dark Days Pact by Alison Goodman - OPTIONAL


The Dark Days Pact (Dark Days Club, #2) by Alison Goodman, 490 pages. Viking (Penguin), 2017. $19. 

Content: Language: PG-13 (10 swears); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: R.  



After being caught in what appeared to be a compromising position, Lady Helen’s uncle kicked her out of his home.  Helen is now staying with Lady Margaret and being coached on how to act like a man, so she can accomplish her tasks for the Dark Days Club. Helen is approached by Mr. Pike, the director of the Dark Days Club, and sent on a secret mission to acquire a journal with important information. Helen has to face a dark and disgusting figure and try to negotiate the terms for giving up the journal, all while keeping it a secret from Lord Carlston.  Lord Carlston starts to lose control of his senses and Helen is also hoping to find help for him in the journal.  

I enjoy this series, especially Helen’s strength and self-assurance. Parts of the storyline lag, and it is a long book, but there is action, romance and the supernatural.  Helen is eighteen and Lord Carlston is 26, so it feels more like an adult novel than a young adult.  The content includes crass sexual references, violent fighting and very detailed, gruesome death scenes.  

Reviewer, C. Peterson       

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