
Monday, October 12, 2020

Rogue Heart by Axie Oh - ADVISABLE


Rogue Heart (Rebel Seoul, #2) by Axie Oh
, 357 pages. Tu Books (Lee and Low), 2019. $22. 

Content: Language: PG-13 (24 swears); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13.  



18yo Ama is hiding from the government that tormented her and tried to turn her into a war machine. She is a telepath and attracts the attention of a rebel group who want to get her to read the minds of the enemy.  The trouble is that one of Ama’s enemies used to be her boyfriend, Alex, and Ama is growing uncomfortable with the war in general-no matter the side. 

This is a spin-off from Rebel Seoul and although you could read it without having read the first book, it makes more sense to read them in order. Ama is a likable character and her struggle with Alex and her feelings make for a good romance story.  The setting is easy to follow because the world is well built.  My only issue was Ama’s betrayal of her friends as she was playing both sides of the war. The ending is satisfying, and I enjoyed the read.  The violence is robots fighting and killing people and the mature content is kissing.

Reviewer, C. Peterson

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