
Friday, August 14, 2020

A Foreign Crown by Jen Geigle Johnson - OPTIONAL


A Foreign Crown by Jen Geigle Johnson, 240 pages. Covenant Communications, 2020. $16.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



Prince Layton is in England to secure allies and naval assistance for his little country and absolutely not to spend time courting women. But, if Layton were to entertain such an idea, he would spend his time with the lovely Lady Aribella. Too bad they are both bound by duty, unable to listen to what their hearts insist is a good thing.

I enjoyed reading the story, though the ending seemed a little anticlimactic as it tied everything together, simply by nature of a book that is 99 percent internal conflict. Both main characters war within themselves: duty or love, mind or heart. I hesitate to encourage the theme of choosing one or the other because life is often messy, and I hope readers will choose a balance in their lives and seek what is best for them individually rather than making a rash choice because of the message of a book.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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