
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Great Upending by Beth Kephart - ESSENTIAL

The Great Upending by Beth Kephart, 259 pages. Atheneum (Simon), 2020. $18

Content: G                 



12yo Sara, her brother Hawk and their happy family live with their parents on a big farm.  They are in the midst of a big drought, there is a fire in the haybarn, Sara has Marfan syndrome, and she needs heart surgery. Everybody pitches in to help and mom makes pies to sell for extra money. A mysterious and reclusive tenant has moved into the remodeled silo on the farm. Sara and Hawk call him ""The Mister."" Under no circumstance are they to disturb The Mister. Sometimes Sara is sure he is watching them; and they are certainly watching him. Sara and Hawk find out that The Mister is a famous, best selling author.       

I liked how this family stuck together and worked to keep the farm going. It's cute how Hawk has named the animals after characters from his favorite book. I could feel the hardships they had on the farm. Sara knew that her illness added to the weight and worry her parents. I loved the book and it gave great insight into what it is like to live with Marfan's syndrome. I highly recommend this book. I could not put it down and read it in one sitting.        

Ellen-Anita, Librarian


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