
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Posted by John David Anderson - ADVISABLE

Posted by John David Anderson 384 pages. Walden Pond Press, (Harper Collins), 2017 $17.00

Content: G.



At Branton Middle School cell phones are banned.  This is no problem for Frost, he doesn't have a cell phone. He usually communicates with his buddies Bench, DeeDee, and Wolf with post it notes.  These four boys are their own tribe - each quirky enough that as a group they are generally left alone - except for a couple of bullies - boys on Bench's football team who can be pretty cruel. Rose, a new girl suddenly joins their lunch table and she fits right in - she's a gamer like DeeDee, gets along great with Wolf and even Frost finds her a great person to talk to.  When a teacher turns an assignment into posting affirmations on lockers, it's a lot of fun, until the affirmation turn into mean notes and this too, gets completely out of hand.  

It took a while to get to the story. There's a lot of family drama with Frost whose parents are divorced, and background about his nickname (he's a poet). I liked Anderson's use of nicknames - the boys each had one, Rose did not, but Rose is always talking about the names she'd been called in school, most of them mean.  Posted is a story about the power of words and the value of friendship. I can recommend this to the students who like "Wonder."

Lisa Librarian

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