
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend - ESSENTIAL

Content: G (2 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (kidnappings, some violence)



Morrigan is a Cursed Child, and as such she is supposed to die at Eventide, the end of the current Age. But when that time arrives, she is offered a way out and she finds herself in a whole different world and at the Wundrous Hotel Deucalon, run by her savior, Jupiter North. Morrigan also learns that she is special; she is a Wundersmith, able to use Wunder on her own to create. But Wundersmiths are feared, so she must keep this secret, even as she competes for one of only nine spots available each year in the Wundrous Society.

I am SO sorry I hadn’t read these yet! What a great adventure! I’m am right on to reading #2 and I am so excited for #3! There will be a #3, right? Townsend’s world building will delight every fantasy  reader.

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher

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