
Saturday, January 11, 2020

Jane Anonymous by Laurie Faria Stolarz - OPTIONAL

Jane Anonymous by Laurie Faria Stolarz, 320 pages. Wednesday Books (St. Martin’s Press), 2020. $18.

Language: R (26 swears, 4 “f”); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13



When 17yo Jane is taken and held captive for months on end, she is changed beyond her -- and her loved ones’ -- understanding and can’t fit back into her old life. As Jane tells readers her story, flipping from “then” to “now” and back again, maybe she can start to hope for healing.

Jane’s story starts roughly as she breaks the fourth wall and then disorients the reader by flipping between time periods. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to follow the sudden changes, so I was relieved when it turned out to simply be a slow learning curve. As Jane suffered mentally during and after her experience, I ached for her. This is not a feel-good book to laugh through; in fact, I would be hard-pressed to remember any comic relief. While the seriousness of the topic and overtone is constant, it was not a deterrent; I still wanted to read and know what happened. The mature content rating is for implied stalking and sexual harassment; the violence rating is for kidnapping, assault, and intentional and unintentional self-harm.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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