
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Captive by Madeline Dyer - AVISABLE

Captive by Madeline Dyer, 45 pages. POETRY. Ineja Press, 2020. $6.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



Dyer writes poems as someone who struggles with mental disorders. The battle inside oneself, against oneself, is not one that is easily or openly understood by others. Through beautifully crafted metaphors and imagery, Dyer conveys unwanted feelings and illogical thoughts in ways that readers can understand.

I have not gone through the same difficulties as Dyer, but I have gone through some mental hardships as well. Poetry depends upon readers feeling and understanding what is expressed through the words written. Some of Dyer’s poems were relatable to me and my difficult experiences, but I did not relate to all of them, nor do I think that these poems will speak to everyone. However, Dyer has written these poems in such a way that I still felt like I could understand her struggles and desire to find hope when they were different from my own experiences. If you do not read this book to know that you are not alone, read this collection of poems to better understand those who struggle with mental disorders.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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