
Saturday, December 21, 2019

All Hearts Come Home for Christmas by Sarah M. Eden, et al - ADVISABLE

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



Christmas is about love and joy. In these four stories, the magic of the Christmas season comes to life as charitable characters seek to serve. A time of faith and miracles helps unite and reconcile families -- parents with their children, siblings with each other, and even new lovers.

While I found a couple instances that felt rushed and underdeveloped, the majority of my time spent in these four stories was spent completely enthralled with the characters I was reading about -- I laughed and cried with them, felt their hope and indignation, and pondered the meaning for this season. The four authors of this book have sweetly summed the feelings of Christmas and the joy of the Christmas season, making those feelings a connecting thread that winds through each story and into the heart of the reader.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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