
Friday, November 29, 2019

Deborah by H.B. Moore - ADULTS

Deborah by H.B. Moore, 232 pages. Covenant Communications, 2019. $17.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG



Deborah was the fourth -- and only female -- judge of Israel and is called a prophetess in the Bible. With so little known about her life, Moore offers this book as a suggestion of what Deborah’s life might have been like as she was prepared to help the Israelites battle the Canaanites for their freedom.

Moore brings these little known historical figures to life in this captivating story that makes readers remember that Bible characters were real people, too. While it’s very possible that none of Moore’s imaginings really happened, I found myself very invested in Deborah’s and Barak’s lives as they faced fear and difficult choices. Even knowing how the battle would end, I was hanging on to every word of the story. Reading the Biblical account and believing the Bible to be true are not prerequisites to enjoying the hopeful tale of Deborah and her people. The mature content rating is for mentions of rape.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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