
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Northern Lights by Cathy Parker - OPTIONAL

Northern Lights by Cathy Parker, 224 pages. NON-FICTION, MEMOIR. Thomas Nelson, 2019. $18.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



Cathy Parker was hit by love and inspiration as she watched the news about an Alaskan school starting a football program: she was going to help them get a football field. The idea seemed crazy -- even as Parker gained more help and support, the trials and challenges piled up to make the project seem impossible. But with God all things are possible, and Parker knew that He would make it all work out.

Parker gives readers lots of information as she prepares to tell her story of the Alaskan football field. While several of the stories and memories she shares are funny and highlight the miracles of everything coming together with hard work and prayer, I felt that Parker often gave too much information. I got lost in the details as Parker mentioned something that seemed like foreshadowing but ended up being irrelevant and wanted to relive entire thought processes again. The information overload made this book one that I lost my excitement about reading the longer I read, even though I had initially been excited about the story. If you can get through all the details, Parker shares a heart-warming story of hard work, generosity, and miracles.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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