
Friday, September 20, 2019

Taken (The Circle #1) by Sage Sask - OPTIONAL

Taken (The Circle #1) by Sage Sask, 484 pages. SBSK Corporation, 2019. $13.

Language: PG (7 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG13



With physical contact Alexia can see the past and future of those she touches, but the one life she wants to know about alludes her -- her own. Alexia is captured by a group who know her secret and also have questions about her past. Depending on the answers they find, Alexia could be among enemies who want to kill her as easily as among friends who want to help.

The story was difficult to get into and follow because of the disjointed feel and an inadequate description of the powers Alexia has. After the first few chapters, the disjointed feeling faded as the story flowed through the main points. I found the story interesting, but I didn’t enjoy it -- I didn’t like the constant wavering between learning the “truth” just to find out that it wasn’t really the truth and something else is the real “truth,” which made being kept in the dark from the facts annoying instead of intriguing. However, after struggling to enjoy the book, I found that I loved the last several chapters -- if the first 400 pages hadn’t been so hard for me to get through, I would be looking forward to the sequel.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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