
Friday, September 27, 2019

Chasing Beverly by Ashlynn Cubbison - OPTIONAL

Chasing Beverly by Ashlynn Cubbison, 308 pages. Acorn Publishing, 2019. $24.

Language: R (84 swears, 1 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13



When business finally introduces Beverly and Gavin, both of them know that their lives -- in their companies and beyond -- have been changed. While Gavin is ready to pursue what is obviously forming between them, Beverly can’t see past her baggage and the inevitable heartbreak it will bring them both.

The story was okay. It’s an enjoyable fluff read but not something that kept me on edge needing to know what was going to happen next. As I read, I was annoyed with a lot of the chapter breaks. I can understand Cubbison purposefully interrupting things that I wanted to know more about in order to keep readers in suspense, but the problem is that she wouldn’t go back address those things until several chapters later -- if at all. I also found Gavin to be too perfect and unrealistic. Even with the cliffhanger ending and several unresolved questions, I am not going to read the sequel. The mature content rating is for sex; the violence rating is for a horrific car crash description as well as mentions of domestic violence and suicide.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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