
Thursday, July 18, 2019

We Are Party People by Leslie Margolis - ADVISABLE

We Are Party People by Leslie Margolis, 278 pages. Farrar Strauss Giroux (Macmillan), 2017. $17.

Content: G



Pixie’s parents own a successful party planning business and they love it.  They are both outgoing, adventurous and love to be in the spotlight. All the things that Pixie, a middle schooler, is not.  Pixie is shy and avoids bringing attention to herself. When her grandma gets sick and her mom has to go take care of her, Pixie finds herself doing more at the parties to help her dad out, but she misses her mom and is worried about the mermaid party they have coming up.  Pixie’s mom usually plays the part of the mermaid but with her gone, they think Pixie should play the part. However, Pixie knows she isn’t ready for that. If only her mom would come home.  

Pixie spends a lot of time flying under the radar, worrying about having all eyes on her, and I remember some of those feelings.  There are bound to be students that can relate. I wondered if Pixie would find her courage to do hard things which she did and realized, much to her surprise, that her parents know her so well.   Such a cute story.         

Reviewer: RB

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this one. It handles anxiety, so is on trend, but is just a more interesting story than many of them. By the way, I think my next dog is going to be called Pixie.
