
Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Silence Between Us by Alison Gervais - ADVISABLE

The Silence Between Us by Alison Gervais, 320 pages, Blink YA Books (Harper Collins), 2019. $18.

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: G.



17yo Maya, deaf since the age of 13, has been attending Pratt School for the Deaf. But when her mom's job transfers the family to Colorado, Maya finds herself in a hearing high school for her senior year. She has a sign language interpreter to help with classroom instruction, but Maya is on her own to make friends and navigate this very new reality. Beau Watson is a popular student, academically advanced and a student body officer. When Beau starts learning sign language to better communicate, Maya suspects his intentions. There's a lot these hearing students need to learn about being friends with Maya. 

Alison Gervais is hard of hearing and works with the deaf population. She has a unique perspective which gives this novel authenticity. She has cleverly designed dialogue so the reader can tell if people are signing or if Maya is lip reading. Maya has strong feelings about self and how being deaf is important to who she is. A well written book about a disability experience, I hope it rings as true with the deaf and hearing impaired community as it seemed to for me. 

Lisa Librarian

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